The Glossopteris was a woody, seed bearing tree existing in the rainforest areas, fossils of which have been found in Australia, some near Dungog NSW. Their distribution across several, now detached landmasses led early explorers to propose that the southern continents were once amalgamated. The Glossopteris is our most important fossil. The work is a reminder of what might happen if we don’t take care of our trees.
For the Celts, many trees were sacred and they planted them near their sacred wells. The tree is a perfect presence as it puts its roots down in the clay and stands with dignity. The tree teaches us how to journey. Often our inner journeys are shallow and have no depth. A lot of our experience is superficial and lack roots. The tree can reach towards the light and endure all kinds of weather because it is rooted in the clay. It is wise in the art of belonging.
(Donoghue, John. Eternal Echoes: Exploring our Hunger to Belong, Bantam Press, London, 1998)